-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morgan Gangwere GSOC 2016 *** FINAL DRAFT *** A proposal for the NetBSD project Inetd improvements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** DRAFT HISTORY *** 2016-03-21: Initial proposal presented to Google Summer of Code 2016 2016-03-21: Fix some wording, make the whole document fit in 80cols 2016-03-21: Add better contact information 2016-03-22: Refine information about goals (prefork) and bonuses. 2016-03-24: Clarify certain points 2015-03-25: Final edits + argument for proposed path. *** PROVIDING FEEDBACK / CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ** Feedback can be provided directly to me via email < morgan.gangwere@gmail.com > as well as via the NetBSD tech-userlevel mailing list (where this will be posted for public review) I may be reached over XMPP via indrora@rows.io or via email (see above). I can also be found on Freenode as indrora (responses may be delayed due to ZNC/idle) A copy of my resume is available at http://tsunami.zaibatsutel.net/cv.pdf This document is available in plain text at http://tsunami.zaibatsutel.net/gsoc16_netbsd_proposal.txt -~-=-~- 1. Introduction (About the author) I'm Morgan Gangwere, a student from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I've worked on lots of things, but some of my favorites are open source contributions. I've made contributions in my past to the libmtp project, fixed bugs in Travis (in the end, the patch wasn't accepted -- my solution was against the documented details, but it sparked the conversation), worked around Android's limitations in OpenKeychain, then helped people communicate when I forked yaaic as Atomic and started making it better. I've built my own kernel, booted UEFI by hand, forged raw TCP sockets from raw hot bits with a hex editor and a sledge, helped port Android to a new phone, pushed new binaries to devices over TFTP. I've worked out what a "bad cast to std::Allocator<_T, alloc>(std::stream_t)" means. I've created ext2 fs superblocks by hand, beaten U-Boot into compliance, slimmed down FAT filesystems and run rsync over amateur radio. My editor is vim, my shell is zsh, my work? it makes the internet happen. My goal is to make the internet a good place for data to live. I got a degree in network administration (focusing on Cisco networks) back when I was in high school. I automated my work in my sophomore year of classes, often spending the second half of the class playing quake. I learned how to build networks that are reliable and consistent in those classes. Since then, my work has focused on making things reliable and easy to manage. I'm familiar with NetBSD; I typically run it in virtual machines but also use it on the odd 'I need a lightweight not-linux' system. I'm not afraid of digging through manpages. I'm definitely not afraid of digging into /usr/src to find the function I'm looking for. I believe in Systems Engineering -- the idea that all things should be done with a requirements document, a plan and a good debate as to whether this is the right direction to go. I believe in change requests, in code that is built well and comments that explain what is being done. I believe in code quality, secure design, portability and expected execution. I believe in clever design over clever implementation, a value I know the NetBSD project holds dearly. 2. The problems with inetd Inetd is plagued with a few problems that the NetBSD projects wants to address through Google Summer of Code, as well as one that I personally wish to tackle early on to tackle a maintainability issue that plagues the NetBSD project. There's a few bonuses here and there that I'd like to implement. Implementing a new per-service configuration format makes adding features to inetd simple and paves the way for other tools to do the same. 2.1 No early service availability In conversation with Riastradh on IRC, this is sort of a hot-button topic. The GSoC project page specifies the following: > Prefork: Support pre-forking multiple children and keeping them alive > for multiple invocations. How this should be implemented or otherwise handled is left very much as an "exercise to the reader". As it stands, inetd waits until a service is requested ( through kqueue ) to fork() and exec(). It's simple, straightforward and is a direct approach to the problem. FreeBSD's inetd has a "max children" but has nothing to create children early, only a mechanism to limit the number of sessions at any one given time. [FREEBSD-INETD] However, no In 1999, we faced the c10k problem; cdrom.com saw 10,000 concurrent connections to its FTP server. As more devices hit the net, we saw the c100k problem, then in 2014 or so, we began seeing the c10m problem: 10 million active connections in software like Facebook, Twitter, etc. [C10K] [C10M] kqueue is a competent system to deliver messages among processes and inetd can use this in a manner similar to how nginx's event-driven worker system. This path works well for Nginx and for fairly direct, computationally inexpensive services such as those which inetd is built for. Several years ago (2014), a set of informal studies were done comparing nginx and Apache against each other with various configurations. One such found that nginx's pure event system was better for the static content that was being served in a specific case. [APACHE-PREFORK-NGINX] 2.2 A configuration format from ages ago inetd's configuration format is right out of 1980. Whitepsace-delimited, it's a definite relic of how we used to do software. And it was good back when people didn't want to put their entire system's configuration into version control. But now we do want our system to be held inside a version control system and oh man, how are we going to do that? The biggest question becomes "what happens when someone upgrades from NetBSD-N to NetBSD-N+1?" FreeBSD just crammed more options on top of the wait/nowait column. This isn't a good design decision as it really encourages shoehorning features on top of a format. [FREEBSD-INETD] ... Choices need to be made ... There's a *lot* of things inside the inetd configuration file that make it a hard to parse format that needs to be migrated away from in the long run. A format for setting bindhosts, specifying ipsec rules -- all these have been shoehorned onto the inetd configuration through special keywords that change the state of the parser as it's going on. 2.3 A solid log of a codebase The codebase is pretty much one single file. Modern compilers and modern build systems encourage smaller compilation units for massively parallel compiles. I'd personally like to start a trend where NetBSD moves from where the tools are maintained as only a few large files and broken into multiple compilation units. This has one upshot: Multiple authors can work on the same tool and not have merge conflicts 3. Changes that should be made 3.1 preforking: A change to the fork()/execve() model: We must take note of our fellow web daemons, study their actions. Their attack is that of preforking. Implementing preforking in inetd requires a certain restructuring of the codebase. This restructuring means that we need to reconsider how inetd handles its child pids -- notably, it currently just keeps a linked list of them and cleans up some things after the children are done. The proposed mechanism for preforking is restructuring the `servtab` such that the number of fields is reduced. This would create (roughly) the following C-style structures: struct service { char *name; /* service name */ uint8_t type; /* type of service */ int proto; /* protocol */ char *progpath; /* program path (not name) */ char *argv; /* arguments to pass to the program */ int port; /* tcp/udp port to run on (allows for override from /etc/services?) */ struct { int children; /* number of children to keep at hand at any time */ int overload; /* Allow overflow (fallback to fork()/exec() on demand after pool is exhausted) */ } child_opts; struct { int hits; /* Number of times a service can be used ... */ int time; /* ... over a certain amount of time ... */ int cooldown; /* ... before we wait for some time and let it cool */ } load_opts; /* ... */ } struct child_service { char *name; /* tied to service name */ int fd; /* file descriptor we have to read/write (stdin and stdout bound to this) */ /* ... other control stuff */ } (this isn't final by any means) 3.2 Per-Service configuration This is by far the hardest part of what needs to happen to inetd. Inetd's configuration hasn't been made with backwards (or really forwards) compatibility in mind, and as a result we're having to collect on the technical debt. 3.2.1: The options on the table: Fork inetd, creating inetd-legacy (default) and inetd-ng (not default). In this situation, we can ignore the past and rebuild as neccesary, totally revamping the inner workings of inetd. However, this comes at a bit of a cost in that we've now got *two* versions of inetd to maintain! (I seriously doubt that he netbsd team wants to maintain two versions of inetd.) Pros: - Erasure of the past's technical debt with regards to the configuration - keeps upgrades simple: Not ready? Keep the old behavior as it is, get no new features Cons: - Two versions of inetd to maintain (with a consistently diverging codebase - -ng has the very realy chance of just rotting and being left in the rain. - Your daily dose of techncial debt at twice the cost: Fixing bugs in the old (-legacy) variant *plus* any bugs in the new (-ng) variant. Want new features? Use the new format. Otherwise, fine whatever. In this situation, we keep all the old parsing of /etc/inetd.conf as it stood. Any usage of new features is dependant on the new configuration format. Pros: - Existing installations can upgrade and not have to worry about it. - Adding new features simple (new features are only in the old format) - Zero upgrade cost Cons: - Support *nightmare* - you have to ask "are you using the old or the new format? What's your setup?" to see if there's a service collision. Ewww no. - All the technical debt of the old version is still there, plus new, added complexity from the two formats. - Encourages old users to keep doing what they're doing, "but it's always been done like this" - Someone, somewhere is going to abuse some aspect of this combination to do something nasty. - No incentive to move to the new format - Documentation nightmare christos@ suggests this as the best route. Drop the old format, introduce the new format, keep a tool to spit out configuration files in the new format. Here, we totally drop the old table-driven style configuration and move to a format that's tolerable for everyone. As part of this, include a tool (using awk, python, whatever) that approxomately creates the new format to let people migrate a service. Pros: - Erasure of technical debt (inetd configuration can be gutted and rebuilt) - Super-duper simple addition of configuration options - Backwards compatible through the future (bring a newer service file in and all known configuration knobs will be brought in with it) - a new, consistent format means easier documentation. Cons: - Documentation needs to be rewritten - no backwards compatibility from the past *except* through a tool or manual configuration - Need to maintain the tool to convert inetd lines into config lines. - Future needs to be told that the past changed the configuration format: Documentation needs to be rewritten but include a mechanism to find the old format's documentation. This is my preferred route. shoehorn new options on top of the old ones as FreeBSD did This is what several of our siblings have done. FreeBSD in particular has done several things to try and cram more into the fields of the original inetd config format. FreeBSD has made the following the columns for /etc/inetd.conf: service-name socket-type protocol {wait|nowait}[/max-child[/max-connections-per-ip-per-minute[/max-child-per-ip]]] user[:group][/login-class] server-program server-program-arguments This makes sense in FreeBSD's case. Not so much in the case of NetBSD. Pros: - Familiar format - Does not take a lot of time to implement similar extensions Cons: - Shoehorning is only sustainable for so long - *not* future proof nor backwards compatible - Doesn't allow for a lot of future changes (e.g. chroot, etc) 3.2.2: Suggested new format Up for suggestion is the following: * Key-value pairs in the style of sysctl * A set of directories within /etc, /usr possibly in /usr/pkg/etc and others * A master configuration in /etc/rc.inetd Grammar for /etc/rc.inetd would look like this: ``` # comment IncludeDir /usr/inetd/ IncludeDir /usr/pkg/inetd/ # to specify ssh over ipv4 but not ipv6 ssh.tcp4=yes ssh.tcp6=no # dns over defaults (ip4/ip6) dns.udp=yes ### alternately dns=tcp4:dgram,bind=xx.xx.xx.xx dns=tcp6:dgram,bind=dead:b33f:caf3:f00d::101 ``` within /usr/inetd/ or /usr/pkg/inetd would be a file named "http" containing something like ``` executable=/usr/pkg/bin/muhttpd progname=muhttpd arguments=--config muhttpd.conf chroot=/srv/http/ ``` If a configuration file exists in multiple directories, the *last scanned* wins. That is, if the include order is * /usr/inetd/ * /usr/pkg/inetd/ * /usr/local/inetd/ and the files /usr/pkg/inetd/ssh and /usr/local/inetd/ssh exist, whatever is in /usr/local/inetd/ssh overrides any settings from /usr/pkg/inetd/ssh This means that a service on one system can override specific details (such as environment variables or command line options) for a service whose binaries are hosted over NFS. Valid options within a service definition file would be, at the start name type desc type enum Socket type, one of (stream|dgram|raw|rdm|seqpacket) wait bool Should inetd wait on this process to finish before accepting another connection? user string User to run as. Default gid is default gid of user, unless specified with :group server string full path to executable progname string argv[0] arguments string argv[1] and beyond env string environment declaration chroot string path to chroot() to before calling the executable workers int Number of prefork threads to keep at any one given time overflow bool allow the prefork pool to overflow. *** NOT FINAL *** if progname is empty or unspecified, the filename specified in server is used in place. Environment variables stack and overwrite each other. If /usr/pkg/inetd/ssh has "env=foo=bar;baz=whatever" and later on .../ssh says "env=foo=wonka", the final environment for the executable will be "foo=wonka;baz=whatever" Other 3.3 a codebase in need of a breakup This is actually the easiest part of the task. At the moment, inetd.c is a huge 2ksloc file. Making each part of inetd's component parts a separate compilation unit makes compilation easier on big systems (modern systems can handle 2-3 compiler threads at a time) and makes maintenance easier in future (less chance to trample something accidentially.) Breaking up inetd.c into its constituent parts (builtins, configuration, inetd itself, some kqueue stuff, structures, etc) improves code readability and maintenance in the future. 3.4 integration, configuration, etc. There are a few per-service configuration callouts in the project listing. These are things like per-service rate limiting, blacklistd integration, etc. I'd like to hit four major things: * per-service ratelimiting * blacklistd integration * per-service logging configuration * chroot() support 4. Timeline Week 21 -> week 1 of GSOC work WEEK (real) MONDAY SUNDAY Week 21 May 23 2016 May 29, 2016 Work pinning-down: A requirements document to define the grammar and specific details of new configuration format. Week 22 May 30 2016 June 5, 2016 Break up inetd into multiple compilation units, including disabling of builtin services at runtime. Implement each builtin as "inetd." and call depending on argv[0] Week 23 June 6 2016 June 12, 2016 Week 24 June 13 2016 June 19, 2016 Week 25 June 20 2016 June 26, 2016 Implement per-service configuration: * parser for service configuration * parser for main service configuration * new service structures to separate intances of a service from configuration. * Starting parts for logging on a per-service basis * Configuration parity to current design (incl. bindhosts & ipsec config) Deliverable: inetd that reads from sparse configuration files Deliverable: documentation for inetd configuration At this point, inetd would be otherwise "at parity" Week 26 June 27 2016 July 3, 2016 ** FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND Week 27 July 4 2016 July 10, 2016 FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND ** Week 28 July 11 2016 July 17, 2016 Implement service availability + pool sizing Deliverable: inetd that handles early service availability Deliverable: documentation covering specifics and caveats of early service availability ** FULL IMLEMENTATION SHOULD BE COVERED IN REQUIREMENTS DOC ** Week 29 July 18 2016 July 24, 2016 Documentation week: Full documentation + conversion of a variety of pkgsrc configurations * openSSH * bozohttpd * BIND? Also, a means to auto-generate from inetd classic lines into new-world inetd service files. Suggesting awk (as it's common and kindof built for this) or python (as stream parsers are easy to write in it) Deliverable: A set of ready-to-run inetd service files for pkgsrc Week 30 July 25 2016 July 31, 2016 * Logging configuration (log flags, etc) * chroot() on a per-process basis *** BONUS GOALS *** * performance writeup * blacklistd integration Week 31 August 1 2016 August 7, 2016 ~ buffer week and writeups ~ ** DEFCON THIS WEEK / 4-7th IN LAS VEGAS, NV ** Week 32 August 8 2016 August 14, 2016 ~ buffer week and writeups ~ 5. Prior work in the area Some work has been done in the "overhaul inetd and friends" camp. * Systemd: A total overhaul of Linux's init system. It has a complex, but very comprehensive system for socket activation ( see system.socket(5) ) which can do wonderful things. Systemd's support includes adding pre- and post-exec commands to setup/teardown a service, as well as dependencies (X service must be running for Y server to run). * xinetd: A *major* overhaul of inetd complete with a new configuration format. this format is... Kindof JSON, Kindof not. Configuration is powerful, but is poorly documented. THere hasn't been a huge amount of information on what the future of xinetd looks like. * launchd: OSX's precursor to systemd. There have been a few attempts at porting it over to the BSD world, but that looks to be in vain [LAUNCHD-GODOT] 6. Specific thoughts on timeline, implementation This timeline is intentionally a little... sparse. There is slop allowed for each section of the work as I feel comfortable, with two weeks at the end for the inevitable slippage that is software work. I'm basing much of this timeline off conservative estimates off how comfortable I am with each part. I fully expect that I'll be behind or ahead in the middle, however I want to account for any other space that isn't well budgeted enough. I'm not sure what the best direction to take is. There's evidence in both directions on what's better. For example, in 2009, one test showed it really matters on what's being done (e.g. static files vs. PHP) in Nginx vs. Apache [APACHE-NGINX-2009] whereas another [APACHE-PREFORK-NGINX] really doesn't have much to say positive for Apache. I'd like to do, as part of the writeup, addressing performance before/after to validate or invalidate this approach. Basing the configuration on sysctl makes it easy for people to add new options as well as graceful fallback when an unknown/unimplemented option is used.This style is also consistent with other BSDs; notably, OpenBSD which has made many system tunables a sysctl mechanism. This also comes with a cheap bonus: adding features is easy. 7. Argument for preferred configuration change My argument for a change in the configuration format, dropping the old format fundamentally comes down to two factors: * Documentation * Maintaining NetBSD is well documented -- it's a pride of the BSDs that the BSDs ship with a book that defines how they act. Moreso, the documentation is clear and easy to follow. We're not in the business of making things hard. In NetBSD (and other BSDs) follow two basic forms of configuration: the table form (see fstab) and the sysctl style. I personally feel that inetd was built using the table form without a lot of thought of what the future was going to look like (especially with regard to SMP, manycore, highly parallel systems) whereas fstab was definitely built for that future oriented style. This brings us to maintenance. Trying to keep the old format on life support is inviting two major factors: Poor support for both (see also "do thing well", a typical UNIX philosphy) and potential nasty bugs cropping up in one. The table driven form has acrued a certain amount of technical debt. The OpenBSD project has worked to slowly find ways to make the inetd form less bug-ridden, but the problem still exists: Technical debt needs to be paid; I personally will argue that the table-driven format carries too much technical debt and possibly doubling that debt is not the direction that NetBSD should take. It is not my belief that the NetBSD project wants to be known for the type of hacks that are normally associated with the Linux kernel. Dropping support for the table driven style of configuration and pushing on a new, well understood form fundamentally makes it easier to maintain in the near future. Including an awk script that ingests the old form and spits out he new form is not a huge problem, and could even be made to understand different kinds of inetd configurations. A. End references [FREEBSD-INETD] https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/network-inetd.html [C10K] http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html [C10M] http://c10m.robertgraham.com/p/manifesto.html [APACHE-PREFORK-NGINX] http://www.eschrade.com/page/performance-of-apache-2-4- with-the-event-mpm-compared-to-nginx/ [APACHE-NGINX-2009] https://blog.a2o.si/2009/06/24/apache-mod_php-compared-to- nginx-php-fpm/ [LAUNCHD-GODOT] http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/launchd -on-bsd.html